Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Cultural Contributions of Hippy Movement Into the 21st Century

I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the contributions to society that the hippy movement has had in these trying times. I've created a list of what these activists have done to improve the world condition today.

1. Well they, uh ...
. ummm
. Ok, I think I got something.
. Never mind lost it.
.What was I writing about again? Oh yeah well...
.Wow, that train of thought just totally derailed right at the boarding station.
.Oh wait I've got it!
.No, no, those were the Shriners I was thinking of.
.Damn, this is tougher than I thought.
. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, yeeeeah um.
.Alright, you know what, forget I said anything. Hippies suck!
Which leads me nicely into my next article.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^(Look up asshole!)

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